22 Gorgeous Ways To Get Your Whole Family In The Hanukkah Spirit

    Those 8 crazy nights are just around the corner.

    1. Turn a year’s worth of school artwork in to this stunning dreidel wall hanging.

    2. Welcome the season with this home made dreidel tree.

    3. What's more fun than a Menorah-saur? One you made yourself.

    4. Making your own beeswax candles is too fun to pass up.

    5. This dreidel project will keep kids spinning for hours.

    6. This homemade no-flame menorah is great for getting little kids engaged.

    7. Create your own garland.

    8. You can also try stringing together dreidel cut-outs.

    9. Or make these dreidel game sets.

    10. This found-objects decor will make your space sparkle with that Festival of Lights glow.

    11. Or you go could go big and get the grown-ups in on the crafting.

    12. Create a game of nightly hide-and-seek.

    13. Blow everyone's minds by hiding gelt INSIDE these incredible dreidel cookies.

    14. Speaking of gelt, how cool would it be to make your own?

    15. These chocolate covered Stars of David pretzels are making my mouth water.

    16. Marshmallow dreidels? Don't mind if I do.

    17. These dreidel snow globes will add color to your mantle.

    18. For giant (flame-free) fun try making this pool noodle menorah.

    19. There are few memories as sweet as making challah as a family.

    20. Potato latkes are a Hanukkah staple not to be missed.

    21. Your kids will never forget the time you let them make Sufganiyot.

    22. Dress up any pie you like with some Hanukkah flair.

    Happy Hanukkah!