What You Face When Following Non-Traditional Religion

    In this day and age, there is no way to tell what religion someone is just by talking to them. The responses you get when telling someone you follow a non-traditional religion can be quite interesting.

    "You say you are 'not exactly' Christian, are you atheist?"

    "Oh so you're Jewish then?"

    "Then what do you believe?"

    "Hinduism, so you have like 4,000 gods right?"

    "You must do yoga all the time! I bet you're really good at it."

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    There are benefits of yoga that go beyond spiritual awakening. Immediately after a session you can experience: improved brain function, lower stress levels, altered gene expression, and increased flexibility. After a few months: lower blood pressure, increased lung capacity, improved sexual function, reduced chronic neck pain, anxiety relief, relief from chronic back pain, lower blood sugar levels (in diabetics), and improved sense of balance. Over years of practicing: stronger bones, healthier weight, and lower risk of heart disease.

    Yoga is a way I stay balanced in my life. Through various poses and breathing techniques, yoga teaches you that if you keep your mind calm in the midst of a storm your body will stay calm as well. And no, I'm not the worst at it.

    "You don't seem like someone who would believe that."

    "Don't you think it's disrespectful to true followers of those religions that you claim you follow them as well?"

    But to sum it all up, I'm smart enough to know that I'm not smart enough to know.