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The Complete Guide To JesusWeen

A group of Christians are seriously trying to start a movement to replace Halloween with "JesusWeen." Here's how you can get involved! Share this post with all of your brothers and sisters!

  • JesusWeen (Oct 31st) is expected to become the most effective Christian outreach day ever and tha...

    JesusWeen (Oct 31st) is expected to become the most effective Christian outreach day ever and that’s why we also call it “World Evangelism Day”. It’s a day to give out Christian gifts, just as God gave us Jesus.

  • Here's their official website: JesusWeen.com

    Here's their official website: JesusWeen.com

  • They have bus advertisements:

    They have bus advertisements:

  • Here's their Facebook page

    Here's their Facebook page

  • This is what they want people to wear on JesusWeen:

    This is what they want people to wear on JesusWeen:


  • Here's a "news report" about it:

  • How YOU can participate:

    How YOU can participate:

  • How GROUPS can participate:

    How GROUPS can participate:

  • The official candy of JesusWeen:

    The official candy of JesusWeen:

  • Why you shouldn't wear costumes on Halloween:

    Why you shouldn't wear costumes on Halloween:

  • Some more "posters":

    Some more "posters":

  • Who they are trying to recruit:

    Who they are trying to recruit:

  • The future:

    The future: