Did You Know David Hasselhoff Is The King Of Coachella?

    I'm serious.

    When the general public thinks of Coachella they usually think of Vanessa Hudgens and also Vanessa Hudgens.

    But when I think of Coachella, I think of David Hasselhoff.

    David Hasselhoff made his first Coachella appearance in 2008 wearing a hat that said "Smet" and an America's Got Talent shirt. As a baby 'chell head, he kept it casual.

    By the evening time, he was covered in sweat.

    What word comes to mind when you see this picture? I think musty.

    This was his evening look that year. The glasses appear to be from a 7th grade chemistry classroom and the tank top is form fitting. He seems hot (temperature wise).

    But honestly, this is a look.

    Go read a book, Kelly O.

    In 2009, he got smarter. This time, he seemed to have gotten the memo that typically men at Coachella dress like Indiana Jones. The camo is a nice touch.

    In 2011, this was David's day look. A see-through white tee paired with some baggy ripped jeans. Hip.

    His evening look was a casual white shirt with his sweatshirt over his shoulders. His knees seem cool (temperature wise).

    In 2012, David Hasselhoff dressed as a peace pirate.


    And also with you, David!

    In 2014, David paired some capris with a metal chain and bucket cap.

    If I knew anything about fashion, I would probably give this look a B.

    At the 2014 Coachella, he wore this shirt that said "63 CAD."

    His 2015 look is a standout. A leopard print sash on a classic Temple Of Doom hat. A graphic tank top accessorized with a shit ton of bracelets and his signature capris.

    Again, a look.

    And that's it! Convinced? I know you are.

    It's unclear if David will be at 2017 Coachella, but let me tell you, we sure are hoping he is.