27 Things You'll Only Understand If You're Not An Asshole

    It's basically common sense.

    1. How to respond to text messages in a timely fashion.

    2. How to replace toilet paper.

    3. How to offer someone your seat on the subway.

    4. How to park your car.

    5. How to communicate with the opposite sex.

    6. How to be patient during a traffic jam.

    7. How to only take up one seat on the subway.

    8. How to turn off your high beams when there is on-coming traffic.

    9. How to pick up your dog's shit.

    10. How to return groceries to the correct aisle when you decide you don't want them.

    11. How to not fart in a crowded elevator.

    12. How to answer the phone when someone calls.

    13. How to abstain from stealing someone else's lunch from the fridge at work.

    14. How to keep plans.

    15. How to walk on a sidewalk.

    16. How to wait for people to get off the train before getting on.

    Does the subway feel more crowded to you? You're not imagining things http://t.co/4xtoTjYMJS

    17. How to use headphones when listening to music in public.

    People play their music ridiculously loud on a train! #irritating #trains #wantingtopunchsomeone!

    18. How to keep your phone on vibrate.

    19. How to patiently wait your turn to speak.

    20. How to tip a waiter or waitress.

    21. How to say "thank you."

    22. How to put up the toilet seat.

    23. How to use your turn signal.

    24. How to wait to get off the plane.

    25. How to not spoil the ending.

    26. How to pay people back.

    27. How to not be a raging dickhead on the internet.