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17 Temptations That Guys Find Incredibly Hard To Resist

Self-restraint is hard.

1. Not eating everyone's fries.

2. Trying to win the vending machine lottery.

3. Disobeying Post-it warnings.

4. Attempting this feat of urinary strength.

5. Playing this serious game on Jenga:

6. This possible action movie sequence:

7. Biking on this single-lane highway.

8. Picking up free money — even if it's soaked in urine.

9. Making enemies with animals that know where you sleep.

10. Rebelliously defying signs.

11. Participating in target practice.

12. Not peeking.

13. Getting that perfect embarrassing photo op.

14. Not grabbing that perfectly fine doughnut from the garbage.

15. Refraining from pressing every floor.

16. Stopping to hang out with puppies.

17. And deliberately ignoring anything Mom says.