18 Old People Who Are Living Their Goddamn Lives


    1. This Cards Against Humanity hall of famer:

    2. This woman who is gonna talk into whatever part of the phone she damn well pleases:

    3. This dude who made the sidewalk his own express lane:

    4. This minivan driver who decided to get a vanity plate:

    5. This awesome old fart:

    6. This old dog learning new tricks:

    7. This woman who is gonna take her goddamn time:

    8. This old man and his mug of nostalgia:

    9. This dude who doesn't want to be here:

    10. This freakin' legend:

    11. This cool grandpa:

    12. This baller who chillin' in his 3D glasses:

    13. This grandpa who did some impulse shopping:

    14. This hero who figured out a lifehack:

    15. This bombass grandma enjoying some candy:

    16. This savage who couldn't care less about prom pictures:

    17. This champion:

    18. And this pimp: