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    19 Things I Learnt In My First Six Months Of Having A ‘Real Job’ In London

    Passing on my experience and wisdom.

    1. Alcohol is free and dangerous. Post-work drinks and industry events are like experiments in self-control.

    2. Friday afternoons are never productive, which is 70% acceptable.

    3. If you have a deadline, you stay late. End of. Non-negotiable.

    4. Management shape your experience. For better or for worse.

    5. Ideas will be listened to but not always ‘taken further.’ This is actually valuable learning. Believe it or not.

    6. Industry knowledge will increase. Slowly, but surely.

    7. Holiday is vital.

    8. Feedback is valuable but will hurt. (A lot.)

    9. Stress happens. To you and your peers. Finding a way to deal with it is essential.

    10. Challenges arise. And you have to problem-solve.

    11. Outlets are important. Whatever it is that makes you disengage. Do it. And do it often.

    12. Confidence increases. If only slightly.

    13. Money troubles do not disappear.

    14. Praise may be rare, but when it is uttered, it is deliberate and genuine.

    15. Proofreading is vital. Grammatical errors and misspelling do not go down well.

    16. Good days and bad days are part of the territory.

    17. University will seem a lifetime ago. And you may feel fleetingly nostalgic.

    18. Questioning yourself and your ability is pointless and painful. But inevitably you will torture yourself.

    19. But nailing a project and seeing your work in print makes it all worth it.