16 Gross Things That Only Best Friends Do

    You aren't BFFs until you've exchanged toilet selfies!

    1. Smelling each others' armpits to check if they stink...

    2. Discussing your poop habits in great detail...

    3. Holding each others' hair when you're throwing up, of course...

    4. And cleaning up each other's puke, while we're at it.

    5. Plus, popping hard-to-reach pimples for each other...

    6. Recounting your sexual encounters to each other in graphic detail...

    7. Going to the bathroom in front of them...

    8. Sharing your deodorant...

    9. Picking food out of each others' teeth...

    10. Sending them pics and selfies from the toilet...

    11. Picking each others' noses...

    12. And borrowing clothes and getting stains on them.

    13. Don't forget getting — and satisfying — each others' random cravings for something greasy at all hours of the day.

    14. And when you're sick, describing your symptoms in great detail to each other...

    15. Removing hairs you can't reach yourselves...

    16. And in general, sending pics of all aforementioned bodily functions and fluids, mostly out of sheer anatomical fascination.

    This post was translated from Spanish.