23 Drunk Purchases That Prove Drunk Shopping Is The Best Shopping

    Shop 'til you drop.

    1. This A+ purchase of an Amelia Earhart Barbie doll.

    MAY I PRESENT The most epic drunk purchase in the history of drunk purchases. #Barbie #AmeliaEarhart

    2. And this not-at-all sober purchase of literal bagpipes.

    When a drunk purchase online and a drunk tweet come to reality....

    3. This purchase that says, "Hey girl, you must've had a few drinks."

    To all you folks who think drinking and online shopping is a terrible idea. FEAST YOUR EYES ON THIS! Best. Purchase. Yet. Thank you drunk Kayla for the custom doormat from @Shopjosieb #WinningWednesday https://t.co/m1hAoxBeTk

    4. This amazing cell phone case purchase.

    my drunk cyber Monday purchase just arrived and honestly couldn't be happier with it @KimKardashian

    5. And this T-shirt that would make anyone a Belieber of booze.

    I wish I didn't see this drunk purchase until it arrived in the mail oh well but lmao

    6. This bookmark that will scare any The Office fan straight.

    Greatest drunk purchase. Thank you @SheaSerrano

    7. And this incredible drunken purchase that a fan of The Office probably made at...midnight.

    So this poster came in the mail... Turns out @KelbyCashel ordered it when he was drunk and didnt remember it. Needless to say I think its the best purchase ever 😂 https://t.co/jNcYa8s5ho

    8. This 3D model a drunken hero ordered of himself throwing up the X.

    9. And this buy that likely has this lucky cat encouraging its owner to get drunk every night.

    haven't done like a DRUNK drunk purchase in a while but guess what is showing up tomorrow

    10. This autographed photo of Hulk Hogan that was probably bought courtesy of Budweiser...lots of it.

    11. This purchase that makes you wonder how far the internet stretches when you're drunk.

    When you drunk shop and you're still super happy with your purchase when it shows up. #MakeAmerica

    12. This grand slam of an Amazon order.

    Let us all take a minute to appreciate this drunk Amazon purchase.

    13. And these "Dick in a Box" figurines that were delivered in...an Amazon box.

    A fantastic drunk purchase from a few months ago arrived today.

    14. This very solid drunk buy for a Dave Chappelle fan.

    15. This underwear order that was just peachy.

    @leeaahh_marie28 I present to you... part of my Monday night drunk purchase 😂

    16. This purchase that was a message from the drunk version of this guy to the sober one, saying, "Time to bring the flash."

    17. This purchase of a Whoopi Goldberg Star Trek action figure that goes where no purchase has gone before.

    Really glad when I was drunk last night I decided to purchase this Whoopi Goldberg Star trek action figure.

    18. This order for a Deadpool mask that got PLACED.

    When you make a drunk purchase and forget about it until it's too late..

    19. This order that proves Jean-Claude Van Damme is best appreciated with a healthy buzz.

    Drunk Steve scores another big win with this late night Amazon purchase

    20. These adorable socks that match this guy's dog.

    @gopupsocks with a phenomenal sock. Honestly the best drunk purchase I’ve ever made

    21. This T-shirt that made this guy go, "Drunk me, you da best!"

    Quite possibly my greatest drunk purchase

    22. This purchase that is the definition of #NoRegrets.

    23. And this hat that will probably never, ever be taken off.

    @bubberswastaken Still the best drunk purchase ever for me