This New Mom Was Dreading Her First Post-Pregnancy Weigh In Until A Nurse Gave Her An Incredible Note

    What would we do without all of the amazing nurses in the world?

    This is new mom Mariah Kaitlyn Herrera, 25, who recently gave birth to a beautiful boy named Isiah.

    Like most moms, Herrera gained weight during her pregnancy, which is totally normal.

    Of course, even though weight gain is normal, it doesn’t mean it’s easy to accept. When the time came for Herrera to have her first post-pregnancy weigh in, she was dreading it. “I wanted to cry before I got on the scale,” Herrera told BuzzFeed. “I wanted nothing to do with it at all.”

    That's when a beautiful thing happened — Herrera saw this note a nurse posted over the scale.

    "The note meant the world to me," Herrera said. "It immediately erased all my fears."

    Herrera shared the note to Instagram in hopes it would inspire other women, and the reaction has been amazing. "People say the note inspired them but their feedback has inspired me.”

    Herrera says that she hopes women start to think more positively about themselves. "We put each other down too much, we need to start building each other up!"