This Is The One Question Kids Will Want To Ask Amazon's Alexa

    Warning: You won't be able to un-hear the answer.

    There are a lot of fun things you can ask Alexa, but there’s one question that is guaranteed to leave your kids doubled over and laughing.

    Warning: it's pretty silly.

    And, uh, juvenile too.

    Ready? Here it is! All you have to say is:

    As you can see, kids get a real kick out of it.

    View this video on YouTube

    "Ha! Ha! Ask her again!!!"

    Want to hear a few varieties of Alexa's flatulence in all of its easy-to-hear glory? Then watch this:

    View this video on YouTube



    To make this work you will need to enable the skill by saying, "Alexa, enable 4AFART skill" or by going here.