17 Photos That Will Cure Anyone Of The Desire To Go Outside

    Believe me — these people wish they'd been self-isolating the day these photos were taken.

    1. If people had stayed home, they wouldn't have had to stumble across this photo shoot at a graveyard:

    2. They wouldn't have had to sit near someone who put their bare feet all up in their face:

    3. And they wouldn't have had to watch someone change their baby's diaper on store merchandise:

    4. If people had stayed home, they wouldn't have had to watch this woman shave her legs at the freaking pool:

    5. And they wouldn't have had to awkwardly stand around as this person took poolside butt selfies:

    6. If people had stayed home, they could've avoided seeing this disappearing hand trick:

    7. They could have avoided being subjected to this twerking at fast-food restaurants:

    8. And they could've entirely missed this diner and his AR-15:

    9. If people had stayed home, they could've avoided feeling their blood pressure rise as this commuter took up two seats:

    10. They could have avoided this hair-plane experience:

    11. And they would've never had to watch this person blow-dry their underwear:

    12. If people had stayed home, they could've avoided seeing this woman hold up — and then flick off — a fire truck with its sirens on:

    13. They could've avoided getting this close to this, I guess, pet raccoon:

    14. And they could have stayed blissfully ignorant of the concept of using loaves of bread as knee rests:

    15. If people had stayed home, they could've avoided watching this photo shoot all over the plants at this conservatory:

    16. They could've not waited for this gym hog to finish with all of the weights:

    17. And – perhaps most luckily — they could have never burned this image of this guy taking a photo of his junk into their mind:

    So stay inside, people! Frankly, it's always been a good choice!

    H/T: r/trashy