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21 Bad Days That Are Almost Perfect In How Awful They Were

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say your day isn't as bad as these folks'.

1. This person who woke up to see this outside their window:

2. This person who was the only one at her 30-person company to show up in a costume on Halloween:

3. And this kid who had all of his cards fall out of his backpack in the most epically awful way possible:

4. This first-year teacher who saw this as her yearbook photo:

5. And this student who has 20 assignments due in two days because they thought school started 10 days later than it actually did:

6. This person who bit into this avocado toast and chewed what they THOUGHT was a clove of garlic...but was actually the baker's lost fingernail:

7. This driver who — because part of Highway 1 fell into the ocean — had a 45-mile drive turned into a 200-mile one:

8. This spouse who found the perfume they bought their wife relegated to the bathroom as "air freshener":

9. And this spouse who dropped their wedding ring and broke it:

10. This person who was working from home and hit "video" instead of "audio":

11. This person whose morning coffee was ruined by a crow's hole in one:

12. This person who found out they were basically allergic to everything:

13. This person who tried to make a lobster cake and probably ended up throwing the whole thing out for...reasons:

14. And this person who was left waiting in the interview room for over an hour:

15. This person who accidentally took a laxative when they meant to take an aspirin:

16. This person who ordered a mushroom grow kit that the post office lost for two months before finally delivering like this:

17. And this person who lost their new box of — insert cruel irony here — lost-item trackers:

18. This baseball fan who discovered their ball signed by the greats from the 1981 World Series champion Dodgers had been destroyed by a hungry rat:

19. This home owner who put a fake hawk on their roof in hopes of scaring away seagulls, but the seagulls ended up loving it:

20. This person who tried to clean the screen of their Macbook with glass cleaner:

21. And this rock climber who — yikes — dropped their glasses:
