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In The Age Of The Coronavirus, How Are You Keeping Your Kids Busy This Summer?

Summer + global pandemic = not business as usual.

Yay, it's summer! That wonderful time of year when your kids are busy with camps, playing sports, taking swimming lessons, and hanging around with their friends. It’s the best.

Wait, what’s that? There’s a global pandemic that has basically canceled all of those things?

Kids, of course, are still home for the summer and will be until the fall (let’s not discuss what'll happen in the fall). So here’s my question to you, parents: How do you plan to keep your kids busy and engaged during this very unusual summer?

Did you find your kids something fun to do online, like take karate lessons over Zoom?

Have you found ways for them to stay connected to their friends? Perhaps by chalking their driveway or even doing activities with social distancing?

Did you create a daily schedule for your kids, full of tasks to keep them busy? If so, what's it look like?

Or did you come up with some other way through this?

Whatever you’re doing to keep your kids busy this summer, we want to hear it! Share it with your fellow parents in the comments below and it could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post or video!

For the latest news, binge-watching suggestions, tips for caring for your mental health, and more, check out all of BuzzFeed's coronavirus coverage.