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27 Parents Share Their Most Awkward Moments

Face meet palm.

We recently asked the members of BuzzFeed Community to share their most awkward moment as a parent:

1. "Mortified, I asked him what he was doing."

2. "I just about died."

3. "Is that a string coming out of your bum?"

4. "I made the mistake of telling my kids..."

5. "My daughter yelled out..."

6. "My 2-year-old asked me for some 'fuckin nemnems' (M&M's) in front of grandma."

7. "You killed my brother!!!"

8. "No, Mommy! Don't smack me!"

9. "I made the mistake of calling it a 'baby boner.'"

10. "My 4-year-old uploaded a Snapchat video of my..."

11. "When I said no, he..."

12. "...grabbed my breast and exclaimed..."

13. "My almost 3-year-old daughter was trick-or-treating. When she received her candy she continued to stand there, then looked up at the man and informed him, 'I'm peeing.'"

14. "When the rent-a-cop asked my daughter if I was her mommy she..."

15. "He proceeded to open it and found my..."

16. "Not surprisingly, they both never forgot me..."

17. "We were at a restaurant where our male waiter had a very high-pitched voice. My niece exclaimed loudly, 'He sounds like Mickey Mouse! Or a girl!'”

18. "Watch it, you little booty head!"

19. "When I quietly asked him to take his hands out of his pants..."

20. "Everyone knew."

21. "I just walked away and pretended I didn’t know who he was."

22. "...found out that my 4-year-old was telling people..."

23. "My 6-year-old son likes to tell people his favorite store is the 'beer store' (they have lollipops)."

24. "My daughter once announced to everyone in line at the grocery store that her mommy had a 'bagina.'"

25. "How about you jump around a little bit?"

26. "...but before I dragged him out..."

27. "...my 4-year-old son told my friend..."

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