21 Hilarious Tweets About Being Drunk That Will Make You Go, "Too Much Truth!"

    "Drunk me has the confidence to do literally anything."

    1. First off, "drunk me" isn't always your friend:

    Drunk me is so determined to embarrass me. I am so good to her, i put her in cute little outfits and and get her ready and what does she do?? She ruins me

    2. And don't expect "drunk me" to make normal decisions:

    Last night I was dancing with a girl and I told her I needed to pee but instead ran 2 miles home in the middle of the night by myself. Why? Cuz I was nervous and drunk me thought it was a completely normal thing to do.

    3. You CAN, however, expect "drunk me" to make bad decisions:

    drunk me needs to learn that sober me can’t afford to buy everyone drinks and food

    4. Lots of them:

    every time i’m drunk my brain’s like “hey u know what would be a GREAT idea?? if you followed this guy you think is hot on instagram and liked a pic from 3 months ago” like can you fucking chill drunk me

    5. Also, "drunk me" can't stray too far from the bathroom:

    Nobody: Drunk me: “i GoTtA pEe AgAiN yAlL” 🤣🤣🥺🥺🥴🥴🥴

    6. On the plus side, "drunk me" has serious game (at least you think they do when you're drunk):

    I wish sober me could flirt like drunk me 😂😂😂

    7. "Drunk me" has oodles of confidence:

    drunk me has the confidence to do literally anything

    8. "Drunk me" can socialize:


    9. "Drunk me" has some boots made for walking:

    Alcohol has taught me that when I’m drunk I will walk anywhere. Sober me complains about a 10 min walk but you tell drunk me that I need to walk 2 miles in the pouring rain? BET

    10. And "drunk me" can make some pretty A+ purchases you appreciate in the morning:

    I am... so in love. drunk me really knows how to online shop for sober me <3

    11. BUT...you really shouldn't trust "drunk me" with your money:

    drunk me would pay $56 for a vodka cran in a tiny plastic cup

    12. Especially when it comes to food:

    Some people usually text their exes when they are drunk, me? No, I order over £50 worth of pizza for one person 🙃🙃🙃

    13. Like, if you ask me, this guy really needs to find out WHY "drunk me" did this:

    drunk me deleted my bank app after checking my balance, idk what he saw but I trust his decision entirely.

    14. "Drunk me" likes to TALK:

    someone: drunk me: ok FINE I will tell you, unprompted, about every guy i’ve ever loved and every bad thing i’ve ever even contemplated doing

    15. And "drunk me" is honest...like RURL honest:

    Why is drunk me 10x more honest? I can’t ever keep my mouth shut

    16. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing:

    drunk me is gonna say some corny shit but just know sober me would mean it

    17. But "drunk me" will spill the tea, guaranteed:

    drunk me isn’t bad per se she just runs her mouth a bit. i’d compare her to Hagrid whenever he’d spill some tea to Harry Potter and then he’d say “shouldn’t’ve have said that. I should not have said that” yeah that’s me

    18. Unfortunately, "drunk me" can be a little belligerent:

    Nobody: Drunk me: yeah cause I’ll beat everybody ass

    19. "Drunk me" should not send emails:

    drunk me |__ | |_________________ proofreadi ng | before i send | somnething | -- ------ ---- | | | 📍SEND

    20. And "drunk me" probably shouldn't do too much brainstorming:

    drunk me: i will develop the netflix for books, ooo imma be rich sober me: that's a library

    21. In the end, though, if "drunk me" messes things up for you, you can always remind people:

    If drunk me did something or said something, you gotta take that up with drunk me. Don’t come at sober me cuz we weren’t there, we don’t know what happened
