17 Christmas Fails That Will Make You Want To Skip To January

    Enjoying Christmas ain't easy.

    1. The person who only wanted to enjoy a cup of Christmas cocoa without some jokester making it totally obscene:

    2. The Star Wars fan who ordered a Rey ornament that couldn't have looked less like Daisy Ridley if it tried:

    3. The woman who just wanted to get the tree down from the attic but went through the drywall:

    4. And the person who only wanted their tree to stay vertical.

    5. The parent who only wanted to see their kid perform at the school holiday show:

    6. The kid who was a little too excited to open their present:

    7. And the person who only wanted to wrap up their gift of a vacuum nice and special:

    8. The person whose peanut butter "tree" looked more like something that came out of the dog:

    9. The employee who was happy to get a $50 gift card as a Christmas gift from his boss — until he saw it was deducted from his paycheck:

    10. The mom who only wanted to make her family a delicious treat for Christmas morning:

    11. And the person who only wanted to be a little fancy when they set the table for Christmas dinner:

    12. The person who covered all their presents in this Scrabble wrapping paper — then saw the "T.I.S.T.M.A.S.C.A.R.O.L.:

    13. And the holiday reveler whose heartwarming ornament was grammatically challenged:

    14. The family that only wanted to put out their reindeer figurines without their dog straight-up decapitating one:

    15. The city stroller who only wanted to go for a walk in the crisp, December air:

    16. The mom who only wanted the tree she ordered to look remotely like the photo in the ad:

    17. And the woman who only wanted a cute, size-medium Christmas sweater, but accidentally ordered it in a kid's medium: