Photos Of 17 Amputees Shown At Boston Marathon Bombing Trial

The government today rested its case against Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

Heather Abbott, whose leg was amputated due to injuries sustained in the Boston Marathon bombing, told the jury that she has met each of the other 16 victims of the attack who had at least one leg amputated.

Then she identified them by name as photos were shown to the jury Thursday during the sentencing phase of the Boston Marathon bombing trial.

It was a powerful moment on the last day of the government's presentation against the convicted bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. The prosecution rested Thursday after calling 16 witnesses over three days.

The government closed with testimony from more victims and family members, an FBI field photographer, and a Massachusetts surgeon describing the horrors of the bombing, the aftermath, and the ongoing recovery.

One of the final witnesses called, amputee Marc Fucarile, testified from a wheelchair and glared at Tsarnaev as the convicted bomber stared straight ahead, making no eye contact with him.

Fucarile said he has endured 60 surgeries and told the jury how injuries to his other leg may eventually lead to him becoming a double-amputee.

The final witness called by the government, amputee Steve Woolfenden, whose 3-year-old son Leo was featured in one of the iconic photos from the incident, testified about realizing his leg had been severed as he tried to flee the scene with his son. Leo suffered a skull fracture and laceration.

Woolfenden recalled kneeling over Denise Richard while she was pleading with her 8-year-old son, Martin, as he lay dying on the pavement.

Then the government rested after showing a video of Denise and Martin on Boylston Street in the aftermath of the carnage.

"I heard "Please" and "Martin"...many times" It was Denise; Martin did not respond.

We now look at the Forum video again, in a zoomed in view.

Martin is on the opposite side of the stroller. You can see Martin's arms go up and down, just once. Denise is on top of him.

Next week, the defense will present its case in the penalty phase of the Tsarnaev trial. Its opening statements will be followed by witnesses whom they hope will convince the jury to spare Tsarnaev's life by granting him a life sentence without parole.

Here are the photos of amputees shown at the Boston Marathon bombing trial:

NOTE: Photos of amputees Jane Richard and Steve Woolfenden were shown in court but have not been released to the public.

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