These Are The Apps People Want

    Tinder, but for weed. Weedmaps, but for hot dogs.

    1. People want to know how to spell Matthew McConaughey

    There should be an app just for how to spell Matthew McConaughey.

    2. People want weed apps.

    there should be an app where u can find someone to trade weed with when u accidentally buy a strain that fucks u up too much

    An app like tinder except 4 weed dealers

    there should be an app like tinder for people who want to smoke this joint with me

    3. People want to know about Chipotle.

    There should be an app that tells you if you've got bean chunks in your teeth from Chipotle.

    There should be an app that tells you if Chipotle is packed

    There should be an app that tells you how long the Chipotle line is at any given time

    4. People want to talk about Drake.

    There should be an app but just for people who want to talk about Drake.

    5. People don't want to drunk text.

    There should be an app that can tell if you are intoxicated and disables your texting

    There should be an app to prevent drunk texting

    6. People want Fight Club.

    there should be an app like tinder except it's for people that want to meet up and fight

    7. People need dates for prom.

    There should be an app for people who need prom dates

    "There should be an app for people who want a prom date and then it could just match them up" -my mom

    8. People want to eat hot dogs.

    there should be an app to locate hot dot ladies in LA. like weedmaps, but for hot dogs.

    9. They want it all.

    There should be an app that lets you rent giant SUVs and drive around the city for 1 hour at a time listening to hot 97