18 Things You Learn When You Work At A Grocery Store

    Sure, I'll "check the back."

    1. One of the most annoying things a customer can do is yell products at an employee like, "SOAP? PAPER TOWEL?? ORGANIC CAGE-FREE EGGS???"

    2. That, and assume a person is working at a supermarket because they didn't go to college.

    3. Sundays at the supermarket are hell on earth.

    4. And going into work the week of a holiday is like preparing for battle.

    5. Unless it's a higher-end grocery store, employees probably don't get a discount.

    6. There's more to the job than standing at a register — most employees are cross-trained in multiple departments.

    7. It's impossible to memorize every produce code because there's over a thousand of them.

    8. When employees "check the back," they're usually just pretending.

    9. Because sure, most products probably are in the back…stacked about 40 feet in the air, requiring a forklift that they're not authorized to use.

    10. Grocery store employees are surprisingly cliquey.

    11. And the ones who have been there for a REALLY long time treat the younger kids like peasants.

    12. There's always one person who has the hot goss about all the interdepartmental relationships.

    13. Fewer things are creepier than working an overnight shift.

    14. Cashiers ~usually~ don't notice what customers are buying, and they definitely don't care.

    15. The break room is a miserable place that reeks of the hot food bar and broken dreams.

    16. And that stench lingers even after leaving the store.

    17. Working at a supermarket usually involves standing for long periods of time, so skipping leg day isn't a big deal.

    18. And even though they work in a place that sells food, employees are just as likely to never know what they want to eat.