12 Emojis That Mean Something Totally Different In Snapchat

    You might be best friends, but are you #1 Best Friends?

    So, Snapchat has a feature called Friend Emojis, and you’ve probably seen most, if not all, of them next to your friends’ usernames. If you're out of the loop like me and don't know what they mean, here's a quick explainer:

    1. Smile 😊

    2. Yellow Heart 💛

    3. Red Heart ❤️

    4. Pink Hearts 💕

    5. Star 🌟

    6. Grimace 😬

    7. Baby 👶

    8. Sunglasses 😎

    9. Smirk 😏

    10. Fire 🔥

    11. Hundred 💯

    12. Hourglass ⌛️

    Hope that helps!