23 Snapchat Face-Swaps That'll Make You Laugh Every Time

    Thank you, Snapchat.

    We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to show us their funniest Snapchat face-swaps. Here are the best ones:

    1. This baby-faced man with a man-faced baby.

    2. This truly incredible couch swap.

    3. And this perfect pillow swap to go with it.

    4. This nightmare-worthy Tinky-Winky swap.

    5. This Toy Story one.

    6. This Home Alone gem.

    7. This low-key terrifying sculpture swap.

    8. And this high-key terrifying American Girl Doll one.

    9. This swap with a remote control.

    10. This Fist Swap.

    11. This swap with Barbie.

    12. This.

    13. This swap with none other than Thomas the Tank.

    14. This impressive triple face-swap.

    15. This sacrilegious one.

    16. And this epic swap with Prison Mike.

    17. Yoda face-swap this is.

    18. This "Buddha-ful" one.

    19. This one with a pretty kitty.

    20. And this one with a pretty puppy.

    21. This Kentucky Fried face-swap.

    22. This pretty well-executed Shakespearean swap.

    23. And this banana peel swap from hell.

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