Can You Get Through This Post Without Admitting Bats Are Actually Kinda Cute?

    Hear me out!

    1. Of all the animals in the world, bats aren’t usually on the top of anyone’s cute list. But WHY NOT, I say!

    2. Sure, they do have creepy little fingers...

    3. ...and their wings are a lil' freaky.

    4. But you can get past all of that for a little baby bat burrito, can’t you?

    5. Yes, yes you can.

    6. Like look at this little guy, Jeddeh. He loves getting pats.

    7. Or this gal, Blossom, who loves brushies.

    8. And milk!

    9. This bat loves mango.

    10. And this one loves grapes.

    11. And this one's all like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

    12. Would you take a look at these little pipsqueaks?

    13. They look like tiny Pokémon!

    14. And this bat is a little different looking, but his name is Ruffles and how precious is that?

    15. And speakin' of precious, this is Peekaboo!

    16. So yeah! Bats are pretty cute.

    17. Maybe not the cutest animal of all time, but they're up there!

    Note: The bats featured in this post are either wild or rescues — not pets!