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Here's What Food Is Served In 17 Movie Theaters Around The World


We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us what they snack on at their local movie theater. Here are their best responses, as well as some of our own favorite finds:

1. Indonesia: Fish and chips

2. Hong Kong: Roasted cuttlefish balls

3. Texas, USA: Pickles

4. Barbados: Samosas

5. Canada: Poutine

6. Denmark: Beer

7. New York, USA: Cheddar biscuits

8. Philippines: Popcorn with cheese, BBQ, or wasabi powder

9. Hawaii, USA: Popcorn with rice crackers and seaweed flakes

10. Colombia: Sushi

11. Sweden: BYOSnacks

12. Denmark: A candy bar

13. Germany: Chocolate-covered vanilla ice cream bites

14. Minnesota, USA: Gourmet burgers and cocktails

15. Korea: Butter Squid

16. Spain: Red wine and Coca-Cola

17. Japan: Churros

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