14 Cleaning Before And After Photos That'll Inspire You To Tidy Up

    It's like magic. H/T /r/ICleanedMyRoom

    1. This guest room that did a really cool disappearing trick.

    2. This kitchen that is now ready to host the biggest dinner party of 2018.

    5. This bedroom that is the visual representation of how I'd like my year to play out.

    6. This medicine cabinet that is honestly making me feel healthier just by looking at it.

    7. This carpet that's so clean not even this doggo wants to sit on it.

    8. This pantry that redefines "clean eating."

    9. This before and after that gives me hope for mankind.

    11. This room that proves teenagers can have nice things.

    12. This living room that's ready for movie night.

    13. This dinner table that's clean enough to lick crumbs off of.

    14. And finally, this photo that shows why making your bed can be one of the most productive things you do all day.