23 Photos Guaranteed To Upset You

    These photos will make you seethe.

    1. All of these switches are on and it's irritating.

    2. This sphere just won't burst, and it's maddening.

    3. Why, yellow tile, why?!

    4. Since when does 16 come after 25?

    5. Why couldn't it just be 4 gallons exactly?

    6. This toilet paper that's decided its gonna make you work for it.

    7. This uneven square.

    8. When pants look this way after being in the dryer.

    9. This started off well and then ended up a mess.

    10. This soda opener that failed to do its one job.

    11. This toilet seat, which you know isn't comfy to sit on.

    12. This poorly framed photo.

    13. This bag of goodies that couldn't make it out of the machine, even after you'd spent your dollar and twenty-five cents.

    14. How about when you do get an item from the vending machine but it's a different brand. What's up with that?

    15. The error on this sign that hasn't changed in more than a year.

    16. This grown-ass tile that can do whatever the hell it wants.

    17. This manhole that doesn't line perfectly with the stripe on the road.

    18. The one TV that dared to be different.

    19. The one elevator button that's so far away from its friends.

    20. This untrustworthy image of the cardinal direction points.

    21. Just whyyyyyyyyyy?

    22. This comma that lost its way.

    23. This U that picked up the letter C's slack.