21 Times Hogwarts Professors Were Really Bad At Their Jobs

    What's the application process like, because...

    1. OK, let's go all the way back to Year 1 during flying practice...

    ...remember when Madam Hooch jumped out of the way, totally ignoring the fact that kids could've been hurt by Neville's broom.

    2. And how about the time a troll came barging into the castle during Halloween?

    It was Professor McGonagall's first instinct to reprimand our beloved trio.

    3. The powers that be at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry continued to show neglect when they thought it was cool to make kids go through the Forbidden Forest for detention.

    4. Professor McGonagall also showed a lot of favoritism toward Harry when she got him a Nimbus 2000. Ya know, so her House could win a school sporting event.

    5. Oh man, and Mr. Gilderory Lockhart, the fraud from Chamber of Secrets. Hogwarts clearly doesn't do background checks.

    Now let's discuss Hagrid, a lovable man, but he was a horrible professor when it came to students' safety.

    6. There was that time he ~accidentally~ let Harry, Ron, and Hermione know the secret to calming Fluffy, thus sending them on an adventure which resulted in Harry ending up in Madam Pomfrey's care.

    7. And again, he probably meant well, but he introduced students to a wild animal (Buckbeak) and one of them got hurt (Malfoy).

    8. Oh, and the time he totally did something fishy and acquired a a dragon egg (which was illegal).

    9. Remember when Professor Sprout gave a lesson on Mandrakes to second years. What if someone's ear muffs slipped off and they just died?

    10. How about when Snape bullied poor Harry on his first day of class?

    11. Also, when he showed just how petty he was when he did an entire lesson on werewolves in an attempt to out Professor Lupin.

    12. In Year 3, Dementors were allowed on the school grounds, but they couldn't come inside of the castle.

    13. But like, why would you even let creatures with the ability to take a soul near children? Never forget they nearly killed Harry during a Quidditch match.

    14. Then there's Professor Umbridge, arguably the most hated character in all of Harry Potter.

    She should've been terminated the moment she used torture as a form of disciplinary action.

    15. And how could we forget Barty Crouch Jr., aka Fake Mad-Eye Moody? He transformed Malfoy into a ferret...

    16. ...and also performed Unforgivable Curses in class. How was this allowed?

    Let's talk about some of Dumbledore's mistakes as a school leader.

    17. There's that time he left the school to find a horcrux, thus leaving no proper protection when the Death Eaters came to raid Hogwarts.

    18. Also, it was pretty negligent on Dumbledore's part to even allow Harry (then a 14-year-old) to compete in the Triwizard Tournament.

    Cool, you couldn't not let Harry compete because once his name was pulled from the Goblet of Fire, he was bound to compete. However, professors could've been more involved in making the tasks a bit safer for him.

    19. And his most egregious mistake was how long he withheld information from Harry about the prophecy and the boy's connection to Lord Voldemort.

    20. Professor Binns wasn't shown in the films but he should've been dismissed from teaching History of Magic since he clearly didn't know how to make the subject matter engaging for students.

    21. And finally, we all love Professor Trelawney, but she was not good at her job.

    Are we gonna give her a pass for predicting things (that she could never even remember)?

    All that said, hate 'em or love 'em, these imperfect professors are what made Hogwarts special.