18 Unique Struggles Only Chubby Kids Will Understand

    Gym class was the absolute worst.

    1. There was always that one guy/girl who gave you hell for being chubby.

    2. Admittedly, you probably made a lot of poor eating choices.

    3. You had that one family member who didn't really know how to tell you that you were big without being offensive.

    4. You became an expert at deflecting attention away from your corpulent figure.

    5. You probably came from a large family.

    6. Your parents often lied to you about your roundness to spare your feelings.

    7. Whenever you were teased in school, the best way you dealt with it was by crying.

    8. Wearing huge clothes was humiliating.

    9. You used any excuse to get out of doing exercises in gym class.

    10. And speaking of gyms, you probably wore your gym clothes under your regular clothes.

    11. In fact, it was so embarrassing when your fat would jiggle whenever you did any exercise in gym.

    12. Once you learned black made you look slimmer you were so thrilled.

    13. You became best friends with other people who were on the bottom of the schools popularity caste system.

    14. Having your cheeks pinched was a natural occurrence.

    15. During the summer you would not be caught dead shirtless.

    16. You dealt with people thinking you shouldn't ever be hungry just because you were a little husky.

    17. You felt really uncomfortable when other parents would make a face at you, basically because you were bigger than other children.

    18. Eventually you came to accept yourself because you realized that everyone is a little insecure about something during the K-12 school years.