The 10-Second Trick For Making Pancakes Extra Fluffy (Not Flat)

    Works every time.

    Pancakes are a pretty perfect food. We can all agree on this, right? ๐Ÿฅž

    But there's one thing that can sometimes be tricky about pancakes, and that is nailing their consistency.

    According to Cook's Illustrated, there's an easy fix โ€” because the difference between a flat pancake and a fluffy one can come down to one simple thing.

    And that's the way you stir the batter.

    You want to stir super gently โ€” *just* enough to barely combine the wet and dry ingredients, making sure to keep some of the lumps intact.

    Cook's Illustrated says those lumps โ€” along with "a few streaks of flour" โ€” should carry right over to the pan.

    The result, once cooked? Super-fluffy pancakes โ€” with height and pockets of air.

    Many commenters were quick to jump in and swear by the low-mix lumpy route.

    Some were surprised.

    And some swore by other tricks for max fluffiness.

    Either way, with a sky-high stack of airy pancakes as the end result, you can't go wrong.

    What's your go-to trick or recipe for perfect pancakes? Share in the comments! ๐Ÿ‘‡