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    22 Products From Chewy That Every Dog Owner Probably Needs

    ~Chew~ on these must-haves for a second: an entertaining and stimulating snuffle mat, a DNA kit so you can finally figure out what kind of dog you have, and an allergy chew to put an end to the scratching.

    1. Some room freshening sprays to neutralize Fido's funk — a must if you live in a shoebox.

    The sprays

    2. A FURminator brush for pets who just. won't. stop. shedding. They'll love the brushing and you'll love not having to lint roll your pants every time you get up from the couch.

    Reviewer holding large chunk of fur they brushed off their dog

    3. An immunity-boosting allergy supplement because your doggo deserves relief from their allergies and skin sensitivities. These soft chews deliver a dose of probiotics and other nutrients to help improve immune function, aide digestion, promote healthy skin, and add shine to a dog's coat.

    4. A pet carrier if your dog has decided that their carrier is Public Enemy No. 1. This bag is designed to keep your pet calm — it's roomy and has a heads-out design — so you can travel with and groom them without issue.

    Small dog sitting inside the soft carrier

    5. An adorable and basically tear-resistant stuffed duck so you can stop spending money on toys that your furry destroyer shreds in approximately 10 seconds. This lil' quacker doesn't look like it, but it's built to last.

    The duck

    6. An antibacterial, safe-to-swallow toothpaste that'll help prevent plaque buildup that can make your dog's breath extra funky.

    The toothpaste

    7. A pack of stain-removing pads to tackle the inevitable messes that come with owning a pet. Pee? Check! Poop? Check! Vomit? Check! (You can even use them to clean up your wine spills.)

    8. A durable chew toy for withstanding a play session with even the most vigorous chewer.

    9. Or a flavored Nylabone ring toy because its textured nubs will help loosen plaque and clean your dog's teeth while simultaneously giving them a creative outlet for their energy.

    The textured ring toy

    10. A pet hair remover if you love your fur baby but hate how much they shed...on everything. Roll it over your couch, bed, favorite blanket, you name it, and watch it lift the fur away. See, we can own nice things!!

    11. A snout soother so your pup's snoot stays soft, moisturized, and oh-so boopable.

    12. A stimulating activity mat that'll keep your doggos entertained and challenged, especially if you hide treats and kibble in it.

    13. An ear treatment to clean your poor pet's ears of buildup and prevent inflammation and irritation. These ear drops are designed to protect against a variety of fungal and bacterial infections, like yeast and staph infections.

    14. A liquid tartar remover for dogs who desperately need their teeth cleaned but who also won't let you near them with a toothbrush. (Think of it as doggy mouthwash!) Just add this to their water and you'll notice your dog's plaque and bad breath subside.

    Side by side of the container and dog drinking bowl of water in which the remover has been added

    15. A dog DNA kit because haven't you always wanted to know exactly what kind of dog your beloved rescue mutt is?

    Diagram showing breakdown of dog'd genetic makeup

    16. An eye rinse if you need help getting rid of tear stains — aka those annoying reddish streaks some dogs have around their eyes.

    The bottle

    17. A slow feeder bowl so you can stop your dog from inhaling their meal in a minute flat. These ridged bowls can help improve digestion, reduce bloating, and encourage your dog's foraging skills to keep their mind active.

    Golden retriever eating out of the ridged purple bowl

    18. An anti-fungal antibacterial spray made with cooling aloe that'll treat a range of skin conditions, including allergies, cuts, hot spots, infections, rashes, and scrapes.

    19. A plush Snuggle Puppy to gift your four-legged friends their own furry companion. It's great for pups who are being crate-trained, plus it produces a heartbeat that anxious pooches may find soothing.

    BuzzFeed writer's dog sitting with their stuffed dog

    20. A hair-removing glove for curbing your dog's shedding as well as satisfying his endless desire for some rubbies. It's great if your dog or cat goes running at the sight of a brush.

    The grooming glove with silicone nodules, full of hair held in front of a French bulldog

    21. A hammock car seat cover to protect your backseat from slobber, fur, wet paw prints, and mud after a trip to the dog park.

    Dog sitting on the seat cover

    22. A nail grinder if you want your wood floors and furniture to remain free of scratch marks. It'll trim your pup's claws to an acceptable length so they don't leave behind gouges in your beautiful oak flooring. Plus it's super quiet and smooth, which is ideal for dogs who get spooked by regular nail clippers.

    Model using the grinder on a puppy's nails

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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