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    What Is Garcinia Cambogia And What To Know

    Garcinia Cambogia extract is receiving a lot of press these days, and is considered by many experts to be an effective weight loss supplement. The extract became popular when Dr. Oz featured it on his show, backing up claims in the media of its safety and potency as a fat loss aid. The compound comes from the rind of a small tropical fruit referred to as mangosteen, which looks somewhat like a small pumpkin and grows throughout India and Asia.

    What Is Garcinia Cambogia And What To Know

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    Garcinia Cambogia extract is receiving a lot of press these days, and is considered by many experts to be an effective weight loss supplement. The extract became popular when Dr. Oz featured it on his show, backing up claims in the media of its safety and potency as a fat loss aid. The compound comes from the rind of a small tropical fruit referred to as mangosteen, which looks somewhat like a small pumpkin and grows throughout India and Asia.

    Although the year 2017 is just started, I am sure you are taking into consideration a resolution for the New Year. Many people see the New Year as a way to start over and do things differently, change something about themselves whether it is physically or mentally.

    Losing weight is one of the most sought after resolutions that people set for themselves. Sure, you can hit the gym everyday and workout till you pass out but, that isn’t exactly always the safest and best bet to get that dream body. Supplemental support is key to meet and exceed your weight loss goals you set for yourself and Garcinia Cambogia Guide you to the promised land of a better body and more confidence!

    Garcinia Cambogia How is it better than the rest?

    Discovered just earlier this year, Garcinia Cambogia is actually a very powerful form of Garcinia Cambogia Extract. This recently weight loss discovery was made just months ago and since then has been a huge hit with diet and nutritional enthusiasts just for its simple and effective fat busting properties. Garcinia Cambogia is basically a more potent and loaded form of this amazing fat burning supplement. This formula is putting all the other competition to bed with its clinically proven and natural approach to burning fat and slimming that waistline. Thousands of people worldwide have enjoyed a newfound life and better body with the help of Garcinia Cambogia.

    Benefits of Garcinia Cambogia include:

    •Potent fat busting properties helps you shred the pounds

    •Helps control eating by suppressing your appetite

    •Contains 100% Pure HCA (hydroxycitric acid)

    •Drop pant sizes in just WEEKS!

    •Speeds up metabolism to destroy consumed fat and calories

    •100% Natural and safe weight loss ingredients

    The active ingredient, hydroxycitric acid (HCA), has a number of benefits including:

    Diminishes hunger

    Inhibits formation of fat cells in the body

    Lowers serum triglycerides and total cholesterol

    Raises serotonin levels and improves mood

    Reduces food cravings and improves self control

    Lowers cortisol levels and reduces visceral fat storage

    Any one of these benefits would make it easier to lose weight, and together they give dieters supplementing with this extract a notable advantage. Planning to follow a restrictive diet is easy, but when the hunger pangs set in it is quite difficult to find the discipline stay on track. The appetite suppressing properties of garcinia cambogia extract stave off those late night cravings that are the downfall of so many dieters.

    Inhibiting Fat Storage

    Storing fat is how the body protects us from starvation during times of famine. Each gram of fat contains 9 calories, more than twice the amount of protein or carbohydrates, so fat stores can provide tons of energy and help maintain metabolic function when limited or no food is available. By inhibiting lipogenesis (the creation of fat cells), this potent supplement prevents the food you eat from being stored as fat, turning it instead into glycogen which is more readily used by the body as fuel.

    We all know the health risks associated with high triglycerides and cholesterol. Garcinia cambogia also helps control blood levels of these lipids, improving heart health and preventing arteries from becoming clogged with plaque.

    Psychological Benefits

    In addition to the above mentioned physical benefits, HCA also increases serotonin levels, thereby improving mood, promoting feelings of well being and making it much easier to exercise the self control necessary to stick to a healthy diet. It also lowers blood levels of cortisol, a hormone released during times of stress that prevents fat from being burned as energy and promotes its storage in adipose tissue.

    How it Works

    The HCA in garcinia cambogia extract has been shown to inhibit citrate lyase, an enzyme that converts consumed carbohydrates into lipids such as cholesterol and triglycerides. The carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, which is then stored in the liver and skeletal muscles as glycogen to be used for energy during normal activities. Glycogen is the body’s preferred source of energy and as such is burned much more efficiently than stored fat.

    The compound also increases the release of serotonin and inhibits the release of cortisol. As mentioned above, this has a positive effect on mood, reduces the hormonal impact of stress, and prevents cravings and emotional eating.

    Clinical Evidence

    In clinical studies, participants given a standard daily dose of garcinia cambogia have consistently lost more weight than placebo groups sometimes two to three times as much! What is particularly exciting about these findings is that no exercise or lifestyle changes were necessary to experience the benefits. Even participants who did not change their diet or exercise lost some weight.

    In one 8-week study, 60 obese subjects were given either a placebo or a daily dose of 1320mg. All participants followed a diet that provided 1,200 calories per day. The experimental group that was given the actual supplement lost an average of 14 pounds, while the placebo group only lost six pounds. The experimental group also reported a greater reduction in appetite.


    It is important to choose a high-quality garcinia cambogia supplement that contains a minimum of 50% HCA. This will ensure that you are not just paying for a bunch of fillers. The standard effective dose is 500-1,000 mg taken prior to each meal, with the total daily dosage not to exceed 3,000 mg. Garcinia cambogia has no known side effects, but starting with 500 mg doses is recommended to assess tolerance and limit consumption to the minimum effective dose. To achieve maximum results, use the extract in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise program.