Foundation Vs. Eyeshadow: What Makeup Should You Apply On Your Face First?

    What's your strategy?

    When it comes to putting on your makeup, the rules are — there are no rules.

    But what do you apply first, foundation or eyeshadow? Watch these women decide!

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    This is Lindsay and YB, and they completely disagree on the order makeup should be put on their faces.

    Lindsay argued that the eyeshadow should go on first because that way you don't get falloff on your already perfectly contoured face.

    But YB thought that if you applied the eyeshadow before the foundation, there was more of a chance you would smear everything on your eyes.

    So they agreed to do their makeup (this one time) in the opposite order of what they're normally used to.

    They both felt pretty good about how their makeup looked after their little experiment.

    And since they couldn't agree on which technique was better, they went to poll their coworkers to see what they thought.

    But what do the experts say? Makeup artist James Charles was totally #TeamFoundationFirst.

    But then Shanney Thich, who's also a makeup artist, prefers to do her eyes first.

    A third makeup artist, Justine Reilly, also preferred the foundation first technique.

    And to even things out, makeup artist Nicole Blanco also sided with the eyeshadow first.

    There you have it! The moral of this story was that there is absolutely no right or wrong way to put on your makeup.