30 Of The Most Important "My Kitchen Rules" Moments In Week 4


    Previously on My Kitchen Rules, there was a lot of screaming, spewing, and... Ssssssstuff.

    1. Della and Tully were up first, and everyone got their ~GAME FACES~ on, except Josh the Seafood King who just had his model face on.

    2. The ambitious newlyweds, Big Arms and Captain Chunder, were totally ready to talk shit all night.

    3. Josh the Seafood King started to talk about strategic voting, and Court wasn't having a bar of it.

    4. Della and Tully struggled to get their quails evenly cooked, and their night started to unravel.

    5. Ambitious Seafood Spewer told the beautiful story of how she and Big Arms first met... AT A SEAFOOD FESTIVAL.

    6. Seafood King kept playing the game haaaard.

    7. Della and Tully rounded out the night with an underwhelming dessert. Meanwhile, back at the table:

    8. Ambitious newlyweds Alyse (Seafood Spewer) and Matt (Big Arms) were the final team to cook. Here are some screencaps of Matt's arms.

    9. Because they love putting on dumb hats and going to horse races, they had a big fake horse in the corner of their restaurant. They also said "opulence" like... 800 times.

    10. They used their prep time to prepare their dessert of panna cotta. Big Arms told Alyse he thought panna cotta should be "like a breast".

    11. The ambitious newlyweds also printed their menus with a "form guide" on the back. A form guide at the races provides descriptions of the horses. Here it was used to basically insult the other teams.

    12. The Seafood King tried to have a go at Della and Tully after their underwhelming restaurant, but Tully quickly reminded him that he had the lowest score of the group. Lol.

    13. The ambitious newlyweds kept saying how perfect all their dishes were, ignoring any criticism when it came their way.

    14. The ambitious newlyweds decided their curry-based satay sauce would take too long, so they just... used a jar of curry paste.

    15. Big Arms said this:


    Look how sad he looks! He looks like a puppy with huge muscles.

    17. While reenacting getting their panna cotta out of the molds, Big Arms did this.

    18. Seafood King tried to convince #PoorAmy to give the Ambitious duo ZERO POINTS, but she wasn't having it.

    19. At the showdown, Manu made a comment about "big guns" and Big Arms was like "You mean moi?".

    20. Meanwhile, Captain Chunder kept reminding us she doesn't like fish, while they prepared a goddamn fish dish.

    21. The two teams weren't holding back when it came to trash-talking each other.

    22. Amy and Josh were fuckin' OBSESSED with the curry paste debacle and brought it up every five fuckin' minutes.

    23. There was also a ten-minute tribute to Big Arms using a mortar and pestle.

    24. After the two teams had shining starters, both teams struggled through the main and dessert rounds.

    25. TO MAKE MY LIFE MORE DIFFICULT: We got introduced to the third and final group this week!

    26. Footy friends Mark and Chris' restaurant was furnished with all the best inflatable footy decor. The business women were NOT keen on any of it.

    27. The quote of the night came from Caitie and Demi (BFFS4LYF), who referred to Mell and Cyn as "old ladies".

    28. We also met the ~mysterious~ mystery judge. Darren Robertson.

    29. For the first time ever, I didn't need to put an absurd caption on a photo because Caitie said this:

    30. With an entrée that was a bit of a flop, and an average main, the footy friends wowed with their big balls... of dessert.