14 Painfully Real Situations All Aussies Have Faced

    Yes, yes, we all ride kangaroos to work.

    1. When you travel overseas and anyone finds out you're an Aussie:

    2. When you're trying to be a mature adult but can't ditch your old ways:

    3. When your local bakery abuses your trust:

    4. When an American comes around for a BBQ:

    5. When you use all your life savings to go on one holiday:

    6. When you decide you're going to have a night off from drinking:

    7. When you find uninvited guests in your house:

    8. When people who have never lived in Oz talk about the beautiful weather we have:

    9. When someone asks you ~hilariously original~ questions:

    10. Or when they assume we all know each other or some shit:

    11. When you try to watch basically anything on YouTube:

    12. When you go on a "road trip" but it takes 10 hours to even leave your state:

    13. When you nip into Myer and just want to get some help:

    14. And when you get asked if you plan to own your own home some day: