21 Honest Confessions Of People Who Are Addicted To Shoes

    More shoes!

    1. We know, we know, we know. We have a lot of shoes.

    Just don't go throwing around words like "too many," because can you ever really have too many shoes?

    2. We realize that obviously we don’t need any more shoes.

    3. We can’t help but want more though... The desire is uncontrollable and the feeling of buying new shoes is better than any other high.

    4. We pretend not to be embarrassed about our shoe obsession.

    5. But deep down, we're a little ashamed.

    6. We make frequent donations to places like Goodwill in order to both feel charitable and make room for more shoes.

    7. Yes, we also know about the global impact of producting and shipping shoes. Personally, we've made strides to reduce our environmental footprint through other means.

    8. If you’re going to live with us then you accept the fact that we need lots of space for shoe storage.

    9. We don't mean to be rude if we don't take our shoes off when we visit your new apartment. It's just that we often assemble entire outfits to showcase a pair of hot new shoes and it's torture having to remove them.

    10. If our family would agree to it, this would be our holiday tree.

    11. Selecting the perfect shoe to go with an outfit can turn into an ordeal. Despite what you may think, having a lot of shoes to choose from doesn't make it more difficult to make a decision. If anything, it makes the process harder.

    12. For us, the right footwear for an event or holiday can make or break the occasion.

    13. We hate to admit it, but there are definitely special occasions we look back on and wish we'd worn a different shoe.

    14. If we are going somewhere that involves a lot of walking or steps, then we need to know ahead of time.

    15. We keep a few pairs of shoes at the office, and others in various hidden locations so that judgy friends and significant others won’t make comments.

    16. Sometimes we honestly forget that we already own a pair of shoes and accidentally buy another pair. It happens, but that's why we buy from stores with good return policies.

    17. People assume that shoe shopping is always fun, but in fact it can be excruciating. Narrowing down a purchase to only include one or two new pairs can be a terrifying experience.

    18. If you think we have a "shoe problem" then why do you take us into or near stores that sell shoes?

    19. Wanna know how we keep our supply of shoes ever expanding? We know our size in all our fave brands so we’re always ready for an online order or lunch hour retail therapy session.

    20. Sometimes we wonder what life will be like in 20 years? Will we be more addicted to buying shoes for ourselves our or future children?

    21. We’ve pretty much accepted the fact that our significant others, friends, and family will always find it amusing to tease us about our shoe addiction. But we honestly don’t give a fuck!