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Do You Remember When People Thought Green M&M's Made You Horny?

Nothing like a date at the local drive-in with a bag full of green M&M's.

We all know that Ms. Green M&M is sexy AF.

But not so long ago – back before Mars Candy turned M&M's into fictional spokespeople – the green M&M was rumored to be essentially the equivalent of candy Viagra.

Van Halen then famously fueled the rumors by requesting that bowls of green M&Ms be present in their dressing rooms.

Do you remember the rumor?

Remember when green #M&M's made people horny?

I certainly do.

It's been the subject of dozens of Yahoo Answers discussions. Some confirming the rumors. Others disputing.

Here's the top definition on Urban Dictionary:

People have attempted at home experiments.

Trying to see if the green m&m get me horny

There never seems to be any legitimate confirmation however, of the supposed aphrodisiac like effects of these green chocolate candies.

But the rumors just won't go away.

And Mars has definitely capitalized on the speculation.

On My Mama, The Green Eminem Bad AF 😳😩 if She An M&M, I'm an M&M 👀💦😂

Via Twitter: @LanaDelFranco

Seriously, look at those photos!

Confusing a whole new generation of candy lovers.

“@kacewitduhface: green M&m's make u horny”

So let's settle this... Once and for all.