George Brandis Ripped Into Hanson's Burqa Stunt With A Stirring Speech

    "I would ask you to reflect on what you have done," Brandis said, before opposition MPs gave him a standing ovation.

    It's the last day of the Australian parliament for a few weeks, so of course something as truly cooked as Pauline Hanson in a burqa happened.

    The attorney-general George Brandis responded with an emotional speech which ripped into Hanson's stunt.

    George Brandis got a standing ovation from Labor and the Greens after calling out Pauline Hanson's burqa stunt as o…

    Here's the full transcript:

    Thank you.

    Senator Hanson, no, we will not be banning the burqa.

    Senator Hanson, I am not going to pretend to ignore the stunt that you have tried to pull today by arriving in the chamber dressed in a burqa when we all know that you are not an adherent of the Islamic faith.

    I would caution and counsel you with respect to be very, very careful of the offence you may do to the religious sensibilities of other Australians. We have about 500,000 Australians in this country of the Islamic faith. And the vast majority of them are law abiding good Australians.

    Senator Hanson, it is absolutely consistent with being a good, law-abiding Australian and being a strict adherent Muslim.

    Senator Hanson, for the last four years, I have had responsibility pre-eminently among the ministers subject to the prime minister for national security policy.

    I can tell you, Senator Hanson, that it has been the advice of each director-general of security with whom I have worked and each commissioner of the Australian Federal Police with whom I have worked that it is vital for their intelligence and law enforcement work that they work cooperatively with the Muslim community and to ridicule that community, to drive it into a corner, to mock its religious garments is an appalling thing to do.

    I would ask you to reflect on what you have done.

    Labor, Greens and some cross-bench MPs responded by rising to give Brandis a standing ovation.

    The education minister led the praise for him online.

    Very proud to be a friend and colleague of George Brandis - a fine, appropriate and necessary statement.

    But the praise also came from his most ardent opponents.

    Credit where credit is due - a fine and necessary response from Senator Brandis, restoring dignity to the Senate.

    Credit to Senator Brandis. Much respect. #qt #Senate

    George Brandis was just brilliant in the chamber. Just brilliant. Strongest I have ever heard him.

    True leadership shown by Senator Brandis today. The spontaneous response from Senate shows Aust is still better than the hate others fan

    People couldn't believe they were tweeting praise for the controversial attorney-general.

    We're applauding Brandis now. Brandis. And rightfully. I... *deep breath* I understand nothing anymore. Nothing makes sense.

    if i can make george brandis look like a human being what does that make me

    Others gave thanks for the speech.

    Thank you Senator George Brandis for your leadership and shame on you Senator Pauline Hanson #auspol

    It was an incredible moment to follow one of the most surreal things to happen in Australian politics in recent years.

    left: look at these two, chuckling like it's the best joke in the world right: bit quieter, midway through Brandis…