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    16 Things That Tourists Should Know To Travel Safely In The Philippines

    How to keep yourself safe and worry-free while in Manila.

    1. The Philippines is an archipelago, so plan your trip carefully.

    2. You don't want visit during a typhoon.

    3. Most of the flights to the Philippines land in NAIA.

    4. You don't need to tip at the airport.

    5. Get a pocket wifi device.

    6. Don't hail a taxi cab to leave the airport.

    7. That said, you should also learn about other ways of transportation.


    9. Be wary of money changers.

    10. AirBNB is allowed.

    11. Bring water everywhere.

    12. Bring tissue and other hygiene products.

    13. Learn a few Filipino words.

    14. Avoid going to shady places.

    15. Protect your belongings.

    16. Do not be flashy.

    17. Just be friendly.