19 Reasons It Sucks To Have A Body In The Summer

    Free me from my sticky flesh prison.

    1. Summer has a special way of torturing the body.

    2. Eventually the heat can make you feel like a prisoner in your own skin.

    3. The season is inescapable.

    4. It seems bent on punishing your body.

    5. You can't avoid being marked by it.

    6. But if you try to avoid it, it will punish you a different way.

    7. The summer brings your body's lethargy levels to maximum.

    8. Keeping up with the hydration is close to impossible.

    9. You begin to gain strange abilities you didn't know you had.

    10. Summer grooming is just too much of a chore to stay on top of.

    11. And it feels like there are no clothes light enough for the season.

    12. Pretty much every summer clothing style is a struggle.

    13. Every choice has a crippling downside.

    14. Swimsuits that aren't equipped enough for swimming.

    15. And outfits that only seem to highlight summer's effect on you.

    16. Not to mention summer's lovely outdoor activities aren't ideal for particular bodies.

    17. They capitalize on your body's weaknesses.

    18. They test you at every turn.

    19. Basically no matter how you try, summer will find a way into your body.

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