10 Signs You Don't Enjoy Anything About Clothes

    I thought Dolce & Gabbana was a gelato chain.

    1. Your entire wardrobe consists of gifts, hand-me-downs, and things you found in free piles.

    2. In fact, you'll pretty much do anything to avoid going clothes shopping.

    3. And if you do find something you like when you shop, you just buy five of them in different colors and call it a day.

    4. When people talk about designer brands and fashion things and you are completely lost.

    5. The phrase "feeling your look" means nothing to you.

    6. You have a system worked out to see how long you can get away with wearing the same thing over and over.

    7. You wait until the absolute last minute to do laundry.

    8. You don't understand when people say things like "What dress are you wearing to the party?"

    9. Your least favorite part of the day is picking out your outfit in the morning.

    10. And your favorite part of the day is coming home and undressing.