21 Things Southerners Find Pretty Weird About The North

    Why aren't people obsessed with college football??

    We asked Southern BuzzFeed staffers what they found the weirdest when they moved up north. Here are their answers!

    1. People who "wait on line" instead of waiting "in line."

    2. Sweet tea that is anything but sweet.

    3. Everyone being super direct.

    4. People not being obsessed with college football.

    5. Strangers rarely interacting and the absence of polite conversations in checkout lines.

    6. People not knowing what hush puppies are.

    7. The monstrosity Northerners call "potato salad."

    8. Bland-ass fried chicken and mashed potatoes.

    9. That thing Northerners dare to call "barbecue."

    10. The fact that no one uses koozies.

    11. The fact that summer has a proper beginning and ending.

    12. The absence of party favors.

    13. Everyone calling the most delicious Thanksgiving side "stuffing" instead of "dressing."

    14. People eating grits with NOTHING in it.

    15. Some people not even knowing what okra is.

    16. People thinking "supper" is some old-fashioned word only used by grandmas.

    17. When people give the time and say it's "a quarter of."

    18. Waiters not splitting the check for you.

    19. People who call four-wheelers "quads."

    20. The price of housing.

    21. And the fact that Bojangles' isn't a thing.