14 Stunning Journals That Will Make You Say, "Why Is Everyone Better Than I Am At Everything?"

    Why is everyone better than me at everything?

    1. Instagram journal:

    Your journal: I hate myself.

    2. Instagram journal:

    Your journal: I need to move to Japan and change everything about myself.

    3. Instagram journal:

    Your Journal: damnit.

    4. Instagram journal:

    Your journal: this is disappointing.

    5. Instagram journal:

    Your journal: WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO?!

    6. Instagram journal: gorgeous, detailed, breathtaking.

    Your journal: trash.

    7. Instagram journal:

    Your journal: it's still just this. Fuck.

    8. Instagram journal:

    Your journal: learned Japanese, still looks like shit.

    9. Instagram journal: we're supposed to include graphs?!

    10. Instagram journal: okay, well this is just never going to happen for me.

    11. Instagram journal: this one is also never going to happen for me.

    12. Instagram journal: alright. Someone get me a pastel marker. I got work to do.

    Your journal: nvm.

    13. Instagram journal: I should really draw more whales.

    Your journal: nvm.

    14. Instagram journal: is that strawberry cut into a rose?

    Your journal: why does everything I touch turn to molten garbage?!

    I don't even need a journal! I'll just keep my emotions locked inside me!