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How to Deter Planter Cats, Rest Stop Cats, and Prancing Cats

At my wit's end, I finally found a way to keep the neighbors' cats from wreaking havoc in my garden. A Harmless Way to Foil Felines from Frolicking in Your Garden

marcyr 11 years ago

Top 6 Reasons You Need Trees in Your Yard

Puddling water, scorching sun rays, blowing winds, and more, trees are mother nature's cure for what ails us.

marcyr 11 years ago

Severe Drought Hits Indianapolis, Endangers Corn Crop

Lawns in my neighborhood crunch under footsteps, cornfields are starved for rain, we have a watering ban, and we are trying to conserve water.

marcyr 11 years ago

Calcium Alone Is Not Enough for Good Bone Health

Experts are leaning towards a more natural way to maintain good bone health. You can help yourself by reading food labels, exercising, and taking in some sunshine.

marcyr 11 years ago

Vidal in Venice; An Appreciation of Gore Vidal

This Italian writer dares comparison to the controversial writer and finds some similarities.Vidal and I Explore Our Roots

marcyr 11 years ago