26 Problems Only International School Kids Will Understand

    "Your accent is so weird."

    1. People always want to know why you've moved a zillion times in your life.

    2. Then they ask: "Where was your favourite place to live?"

    3. Not having a traditional sense of home means you never know who to support during the World Cup/Olympics/Eurovision.

    4. No one really understands your accent.

    5. When you move to a new country, it's hard to find someone who can pronounce your name.

    6. Time differences are the bane of your life.

    7. You receive birthday wishes all through the night thanks to different timezones.



    8. During holidays you always bump into someone you don't like from the school at the airport.

    9. It's pretty frustrating when you really want to befriend the new kid but you don't speak their language.

    10. Lots of your friends' parents are diplomats and you can never relax around them.

    11. Watching a movie at a friend's house is tricky if all their films are dubbed.

    12. You feel bad having to say you don't want any of their national delicacies.

    13. On the flipside, you feel really sad when you get home and your parents refuse to prepare any of the awesome international breakfasts your friends have.

    14. It's also pretty tough when you finally pluck up the courage to declare your love to someone and your parents decide to move a million miles away.

    15. In fact, you've experienced the heartbreaking process of saying goodbye to your best friends a million times.

    16. Your face never makes it to the yearbook because you move all the time.

    17. It's pretty frustrating when you move to a new school where they don't offer your favourite subjects.

    18. And because you have to jump in halfway through the year you repeat certain topics over and over again.

    19. International school kids know there's a fierce rivalry with other schools.

    20. Also, there's that terrifying moment you have to face the Security Council during Model United Nations.

    21. Or if you're admin, dealing with the inappropriate notes delegates want you to pass on.

    22. Actually having to miss school to sort out visa stuff is never fun.

    23. Fire drills, annoying? You've encountered all sorts of external threat drills.

    24. If you're an IB student you're experiencing the most intense stress OF YOUR LIFE.

    "write a ten page math paper on a subject that greatly interests you" #ibproblems

    25. Although it will create a nice bond when you encounter fellow IB students at university.


    OMG, theory of knowledge. WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT?

    26. International school kids find it difficult to settle later in life because of all that moving around.

    But overall, being an international school kid is awesome!