Here's What Big Sisters Want Their Little Sisters To Know About Dating

    Because we're old and sometimes wise.

    1. Ignore people who play games.

    2. Don't play games yourself, because you will get good at it.

    The worst part about being a skilled dater is that you might get a little too skilled, and it won’t be long before you find yourself becoming the type of dater you hate.

    If you treat dating like a game, you have to think about what it is you're actually winning. This isn't Sex and the City – you're not going to get a column out of this. If you've made some innocent person fall in love with you only for you to say, "Hah, GOTCHA!", it's not really worth it.

    3. It's OK to search your date on Facebook, but don't go crazy.

    4. Don't dumb yourself down.

    5. Never change your personality.

    6. Don’t romanticise past relationships.

    7. Don't force yourself to mourn after a break-up.

    If a break-up has left you zombified and you'd rather ditch the dating scene for a bit, it's probably a good idea to do so. On the other hand, if someone asks you on a date and you find yourself thinking, "Why the hell not?", then go for it! Don’t hold off until some unspoken rule says you can start dating again. Date away.

    8. Always be upfront with people you're dating.

    Post-break-up dates will remind you that there is life after heartbreak, which is great, but if your date is super invested in you, you have to be straight with them. Don’t make someone think you’re in it for the long haul when you're not.

    9. Awkward people can have one-night stands.

    10. Bad dates make for the best icebreakers on good dates.

    11. Don’t date someone just because you like their friends.

    12. Don’t let dating wear you down.

    13. Make rules for yourself and ditch them.

    14. Don't worry too much about what the family will think.

    15. Always tell your sister who you're dating.

    16. We'll only tell the parents if it's super, super juicy.

    17. We will destroy anyone who hurts you.