28 Things That Happen When You Date A Football Fan

    Never ever say: "It's just a game".

    1. When you first start dating, it's important you find out how much of a fan they really are...

    2. And which team they support.

    3. Even if you're not that into football, they'll want you to watch a game with them.

    4. And this is when you'll see their true colours.

    5. Don't forget to bring appropriate materials.

    6. And you'll probably be asked to wear a shirt.

    7. If you're really not into it, it's totally acceptable to read a book (as long as you look up during the important moments).

    8. You might find yourself a bit in shock about the amount of sound your significant other produces.

    9. Particularly when something bad happens or the referee cocks up.

    10. To make your life easier, I'd suggest simply agreeing with whatever it is they're getting worked up about...

    11. You don't have to celebrate as manically as your partner, but def take a break from eating pizza for a mini fist pump.

    12. Or just go all out if you fancy it:

    13. It's good to point out specific things about players, even if it makes zero sense.

    14. But try not to say anything about how attractive they are...

    15. If you're a complete football noob, you might struggle with a few things at first, like those damn team abbreviations

    16. Or, you know, that offside rule, which you totally pretend to know.

    17. You thought you'd totally had the rule covered after watching Bend It Like Beckham.

    18. Despite your lack of football know-how your SO will want you to come along to a game.

    19. Plus you get to unleash any anger you've had stored up.

    20. Dating a football fan becomes slightly more tiresome when their team aren't doing so well.

    21. Or worse: their team gets RELEGATED.

    22. You also soon realise that football takes up the majority of your weekend.

    23. Plus they'll be glued to their phone, checking their fantasy teams.

    24. But you will, slowly, start to become more of a fan, just because it's something that they feel passionate about.

    25. And if people diss their team, you become bizarrely defensive.

    26. And it's a tad awkward if the team they support is the one the other football fans in your life don't support.

    27. On holiday you're more than happy to find a place to watch an important game.

    28. Because you know that even though they really REALLY love football, they love you more.