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    21 Photos Of Famous Heartthrobs With Their Moms

    The royal baby—AKA the universe's newest future heartthrob—and his mum got their first photo taken today. Let us celebrate by staring at our other favorite heartthrobs and the genetically-gifted women who brought them into this world

    1. Ryan and Donna Gosling

    2. Justin and Lynn Timberlake

    3. George and Nina Bruce Clooney

    4. Ryan and Tammy Reynolds

    5. Channing and Kay Tatum

    6. Brad and Jane Pitt

    7. Johnny Depp and Betty Sue Palmer

    8. Leonardo DiCaprio and Irmelin Indenbirken

    9. Dave, Betsy and James Franco

    10. Will and Caroline Smith

    11. Jake Gyllenhaal and Naomi Foner

    12. Bradley Cooper and Gloria Campano

    13. Usher and Jonetta Patton

    14. Liam and Leonie Hemsworth

    15. Chris and Lisa Evans

    16. Chris Pine and Gwynne Gilford

    17. Ian and Edna Somerhalder

    18. Orlando and Sonia Copeland Bloom

    19. Gerard and Margaret Butler

    20. Chace and Dana Crawford

    21. And Finally, The As-Yet-To-Be-Named-But-Sure-To-Be-A-Heartthrob-Prince and Kate Middleton