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    11 Feelings You Have As A Senior In College

    The end is nigh.

    1. The feeling of watching all of the fresh-faced first years arriving on campus for the first time (while it's your last)

    yikyakapp / Via

    So young. So naive.

    2. The feeling of disappointment when the "easy" gen-ed you're taking to graduate isn't so easy

    gif-007 / Via

    Whoever gave you the advice to take that course can just not.

    3. The feeling of complete dread when people ask, "What are you doing after graduation?"

    4. That feeling of panic after the first semester is over and you realize that you only have 112 days left at your beloved college

    wondereacts / Via


    5. The feeling of complete and utter sadness when you meet someone new who you wish you'd been friends with since freshman year

    proud-to-be-pure-evil / Via

    There's just not enough time!!!

    6. The feeling of absolute denial that four years have already flown by since you arrived on campus

    2weird-2rare-2die / Via

    nope nope nope

    7. The feeling of your thesis deadline creeping up on you

    weavemama / Via

    You can write 60 pages in 2 weeks, I promise!!!

    8. The feeling when you're doing a whole lot of "lasts" on campus with your best friends

    amoodymess / Via

    All the nostalgia.

    9. The panic to find a job after graduation

    thetrippytrip / Via

    This is so relatable it hurts

    10. The feeling when you're saying goodbye to all the people and memories, one last time.

    game-of-mind / Via

    11. And the excitement that hits when you realize how soon alumni weekend is

    letsbeawkward / Via
