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25 Odd College Courses

Yes, some colleges really do offer credits for these.

  • 1. Mail Order Brides: Understanding the Philippines in Southeast Asian Context Johns Hopkins University

    This class is designed to "help explain the stereotyping of Filipino women."

  • 2. Maple Syrup: The Real Thing Alfred University

    The course description reads, "the method of producing maple syrup is one of the things in our society that has endured even in today's culture of constant change."

  • 3. Philosophy and Star Trek Georgetown University

    Could there be a better way to learn philosophy?

  • 4. Star Trek and Religion Indiana University

    The course is described as "an introduction to the critical study of religion by way of popular culture."

  • 5. The Phallus Occidental College

    'Nuff said.

  • 6. Whiteness: The Other Side of Racism Mount Holyoke College

    Professor Sandy Lawrence says this course helps students to "to be aware that while racism disadvantages people of color, it provides benefits to whites. By examining the other side of racism, whiteness, we can see the advantages in education, heath care, and employment that white people continually accrue."

  • 7. The Horror Film in Context Bowdoin College

    In this course students examine society's fascination with violent horror films.

  • 8. Joy of Garbage Santa Clara University

    Surprisingly this course actually deals with real science, including what causes decomposition and what chemicals give garbage it's nasty odor.

  • 9. The Strategy of StarCraft University of California Berkeley

    Geeks only.

  • 10. Gaga for Gaga: Sex, Gender, and Identity University of Virginia

    I'm so disappointed that this course isn't offered at my University.

  • 11. The Unbearable Whiteness of Barbie Occidental College

    This courses uses Barbie as a focal point for discussions concerning gender, race, and social justice.

  • 12. Alien Sex University of Rochester

    Explores sexual issues pertaining to both humans and non-humans.

  • 13. Elvish: The Language of Lord of the Rings University of Wisconsin

    Spanish, French? Psh...like you'd ever use any of the stuff you learn in those courses.

  • 14. Far Side Entomology University of Oregon

    Yes that's "Far Side" as in the comic strip.

  • 15. Simpsons and Philosophy University of California Berkeley

    Can Nietzsches rejection of traditional morality justify Barts bad behavior? Ponder that my friends.

  • 16. The Science of Harry Potter Frostburg University

    A physics course that investigates the "magic" used in Harry Potter.

  • 17. The Road Movie Barnard College

    An offering in their film studies curriculum.

  • 18. American Golf: Aristocratic Pastime or the People's Game? Carnegie Mellon

    This course attempts to turn the history of golf into "a legitimate academic subject" states The Princeton Review.

  • 19. Arguing with Judge Judy: Popular Logic on TV Judge Shows University of California Berkeley

    Explores the logic behind court based television shows.

  • 20. Underwater Basket Weaving University of California Dan Diego

    Because every student should know how to weave a basket under water.

  • 21. The Science of Superheroes University of California Irvine

    A physics course using superheroes as examples. The professor states, "It gives me a chance to talk about real science but in a context that is very familiar to the students."

  • 22. Learning from YouTube Pitzer College

    Getting credit to watch youtube videos is a college student's dream come true.

  • 23. Zombies in Popular Media Columbia College

    I wonder if students learn how to survive a zombie attack.

  • 24. Cyberporn and Society State University of New York at Buffalo

    Students taking this course actually get to watch porn in class.

  • 25. Queer Musicology UCLA

    The LA Times reports that the course will promote discussion about "the idea that if you're gay, then music by gay composers such as Benjamin Britten will sound different to you than it would if you were straight."